Thursday, 29 April 2010

Volcano explosion!

No planes for six days

Some days ago, a volcano exploded in Iceland. The explosion made problems for millions of people.

The explosion sent ash into the sky. Planes cannot fly in ash. For six days no planes flew over North Europe.

People could not get home by plane so they went by car, boat or train. Their journeys were very long.

Some people were far away. They had to wait for the ash to go.

But it wasn’t bad news for everybody. Niamh is 13 and from Scotland. She says,“I was in California, America with my family. We stayed longer in California and I missed four days of school!”.

Did planes fly over your country?

Do you know someone who could not travel? What happened to them?


  1. Did planes fly over your country?
    -Yes its did

    Do you know someone who could not travel? What happened to them?
    -No i do.

    Carlos Salgado Romero 6ºA

  2. ¿Se aviones vuelan sobre su país?

    ¿Conoces a alguien que no podía viajar?¿Que pasó con ellos?
    -no conozco a nadie.

  3. Did planes fly over your contry?
    yes there is

    do you know someone who could not travel?What happened to them?
    no there isn't

  4. Mari Reyes Rodríguez 6ºA29 April 2010 at 21:22

    Did planes fly over your country?

    I think than from Spain at the other country yes its can, but from the other country at Spain no itsn't can.

    Do yoy know someone who could not travel?What happened to them?

    I know the Lucía's daughter (the teacher of the Manuel de Falla's school) than she went to the London and she doesn't can to go at Spain in three or four days.

  5. -Did planes fly over your country?

    I think than from Spain to other country yes is possible.

    -Do you know someone who could not travel? What happened to them?

    I no know to no person.

  6. Fali Contreras Sola 6 º A dijo ...

      -¿Se aviones vuelan sobre su país?

     Creo que desde España a otro país sí es posible.

      -Do yoy conoce a alguien que no podía viajar? ¿Qué pasó con ellos?

     Yo no sé de ninguna persona.

  7. Laura Aguilar del Barco 5ºB30 April 2010 at 14:43

    1- did planes fly over your country?
    2-Do you know someone who could not travel?

  8. Beatriz Rodriguez Gomez 6º a30 April 2010 at 21:49

    Did planes fly over your country?
    Yes i did.

    Do you know someone who could not travel? What happened to them?

    I no know a to person.

  9. Pablo Rodriguez Gómez 6ª A30 April 2010 at 22:08

    Did planes fly over your country?

    Yes i did, because in Espain i didn´t the ash.

    Do you know someone who could not travel? What happened to them?
    I do not know to any person.

  10. Fátima Palao 6 A1 May 2010 at 12:58

    Did planes fly over your country?
    From Spain a another country than no in Iceland yes.

    Do you know someone who could not travel? What happened to them?
    In people no, because saw in television a very people's in the airport and is had to be more days.

  11. Did planes fly over your country?
    I think than from Spain to other country yes, but from other country to Spain no.

    Do you know someone who could not travel? What happened to them?
    I don't know,

  12. Nerea enri mateos 6ºA1 May 2010 at 22:35

    Did planes fly over your country?
    At the beginning if you could, but then not.

    Do you know someone who could not travel?What happened to them?

    Yes, the danghter of Lucía.

    In place that was there ashes of the volcano.

  13. Merchi Carranza 6ºA2 May 2010 at 21:54

    Did planes fly over your country?
    No,its didn't,because its doesn't can.

    Do you know someone who could not travel? What happened to them?
    No,i don't know.

  14. Marta Grimaret Romero2 May 2010 at 22:02

    Did planes fly over your country?
    Yes,i did.

    Do you know someone who could not travel? What happened to them?
    The daughter of Lucía,that went to London.
